
Insulate your garage – Lugarde garages offer plenty of options for effective insulation

If you’re spending a lot of time in your garage, you can insulate it to make it more pleasant to use. If you’re using your garage to work with your tools or tinker with your car, you don’t want to be working in the cold. Heat from a small heater helps a little, but will quickly dissipate through the garage wall, roof and floor. At the same time, the cold from outside easily enters the garage. You’ll get cold hands while working and will need to wear a warm coat.

Insulate your garage – Lugarde garages offer plenty of options for effective insulation

With Lugarde garages, none of this is necessary. The first reason is that our garages are solidly built. When constructed correctly, there aren’t any cold seams or cracks through which the cold can enter the garage. And you can easily insulate your Lugarde garage, because they are designed with the possibility of insulation in mind. On our website, we offer tips for effectively insulating your garage. And you can also always contact us if you need specific information on effective garage insulation.

Choose your perfect Lugarde garage

Before thinking of insulation, it’s wise to make a choice about which Lugarde garage to purchase. We offer garages with room for one or two cars. Please note that the smallest garages we offer don’t leave much room to work once you’ve stored your car. There’s not much point in insulating such a garage.

If you need a lot of space for tools and to work in, you might consider buying a garage for two cars even if you only have one car. The remaining space can be used for working and storing tools, lawn furniture, bicycles or garden equipment.

There are also garages with an attached summerhouse. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the summerhouse, insulation will definitely be of benefit. This means that even during cold weather you can comfortably use your summerhouse.

Wooden summer house

Bespoke design possible at no extra cost

Lugarde understands that everyone has different needs when it comes to garages. We try to accommodate as many of those wishes as possible in our standard selection of garages. However, if we don’t offer what you’re looking for, you can design your own garage and insulate it afterwards. On our website you can find our 3D configurator. With this tool, you can modify a garage design, or design one yourself from a basic template. This tool can be used on desktop computers and laptops.

You can also request a quote for bespoke design. The price depends on the materials and quantities needed to build your garage. We don’t charge any extra for bespoke garage design.

The standard insulation properties of a Lugarde garage

A standard Lugarde garage comes with attractive insulation properties. For example, the wood is very solid and is several centimetres thick. Our patented corner connections prevent any cracks through which air can enter. All the windows are of HR++ double glazing variety with a 1.1 insulation value. These are excellent foundations upon which to further insulate your garage.

Options for insulating your Lugarde garage

Lugarde garden structures are designed with insulation in mind. We provide you with the means to easily insulate your garage. You can insulate the garage floor, walls and roof. The garage door has double glazed windows which effectively retain the heat.

The roof can be insulated with 4 cm thick panels made from environmentally friendly materials. With apex roofs, the insulation is applied between the shingles and roof panelling. For a garage with a flat roof, you can apply the insulation panels on the inside of the garage. You can order an extra ceiling to conceal the insulation panels from view.

Floor insulation consists of 4 cm thick thermal plates. These can easily be placed between the floor beams. Wall insulation is 3 cm thick and will be hidden from view by an extra inner wall. logotype - Roof and/or floor insulation possible. logotype - double wall and insulation available. logotype - High quality 1.1 u-value double glazing.


Have a Lugarde dealer insulate your garage

You can insulate a Lugarde garage yourself. But does building and insulating your garage seem too daunting a task for you? A professional Lugarde dealer can do the construction and apply the insulation for you. You can get a free quote on our website, which will tell you the cost of construction and insulation by a Lugarde dealer. It’s also possible for us to treat and paint the wood of your garage for you.

You decide how much you want to do yourself and how much you want a Lugarde dealer to do for you. You will receive clear instructions on the parts you’re doing yourself. You can always contact your dealer if you need further information.

The advantages of Lugarde garages and their insulation

Choosing a Lugarde garage always means you get the following benefits:

  • Many different garages to choose from
  • You can choose a garage with plenty of space for working or storage
  • Also available: a garage with carport, summerhouse and/or patio
  • Choose a standard model or design your own garage
  • No extra charge for bespoke design
  • Premium quality timber from PEFC and FSC certified sources
  • Thick timber walls and double glazing provide good insulation properties
  • A Lugarde garage is easy to insulate
  • We provide you with floor, wall and roof insulation options
  • You can apply the insulation yourself
  • Alternatively, have a Lugarde dealer insulate your garage
  • Our insulation materials are friendly to the environment

Please contact us with questions, or find a local Lugarde dealer

Do you have any questions about Lugarde garages or how to insulate them? You can contact us by completing the contact form on our website. You can also use our site to find a Lugarde dealer near your location. They can advise you about our products or effective insulation. They can also tell you about the possibilities of allowing them to do the insulating for you.

A well-insulated garage that offers a pleasant working environment in every season is offered to you by Lugarde, market leader in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.