10x10 summer houses

With a 10 x 10 summer house you can give your garden an extra dimension. When you already decided that you want a summer house in your garden or you are still doubting, we will give you some further information about Lugarde’s high quality summer houses.


10x10 summer house
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Do you want the 10×10 summer house to use it as a place where you can put your garden tools in, for your lawn mower or bicycles? Or you want a summer house for an extra work space, a hobby place like painting or tinker your motorcycle.

There are many ways to think of what you can use your 10 x 10 summer house for. Also the place where you put your summer house, do you want it in the middle of the garden, or next to your house but you can also choose a 10 x 10 corner summer house.

Every summer house we produce, we produce it with a lot of care. Lugarde produces its own summer houses, so we can take care of the quality. Every step we do to make your summer house 10 x 10 is in our hands. From cutting the tree until the delivery of your summer house, it’s even possible that, if you like it, that our professionals build your summer house in your garden.

The timber of Lugarde

The timber we use for the square summer houses are from trees from the northern side of Europe. In the northern countries of Europe, the climate is colder. Because it’s colder the annual rings are closer together, that makes the wood more stable and durable.

The wood goes in to special drying rooms to kiln dry the wood. After the wood is dried we cut the wooden components ourselves, so we make sure every component will fit to millimetre precision on each other.

Read more about our wood


Insulation of your 10 x 10 summer house

If you want to use your summer house throughout the whole year, it’s important that you get insulation with your 10 x 10 summer house. The different insulation that you can pick are, roof insulation (to prevent the heat from going out through the roof), wall insulation (important when you want to put heaters in your summer house), floor insulation (to prevent the cold comes in true the floor).


We deliver your 10 x 10 summer house in the UK for free. That is one of our many benefits the customers get by choosing Lugarde. On our website you can read the other benefits.

If you want to collect more ideas for inspiration on your 10 x 10 summer house, you can sign up for our newsletter, in our newsletter we give you more ideas and a look behind the scenes of our factory. You can also order, without obligations, a catalogue from Lugarde or you can read it online.

In our catalogue you get inspired to build your 10 x 10 summer house. You can also follow us an Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.